Simple Qigong Exercise For Health-The Eight Pieces of Brocade
Yang Jwing-Ming
ISBN: 978-1-59439-269-6
YMAA Publication Center
112 pag. paperback 18 x 24
This book offers beginners a smart way to learn qigong (chi kung), the ancient Chinese system of gentle breathing, stretching, and strengthening movements.
You will use The Eight Pieces of Brocade, one of the most popular qigong healing exercise sets, to boost your immune system and improve your overall health and well-being.
Choose the sitting set, the standing set, or both. Learn how to activate the qi energy and blood circulation in your body, helping to stimulate your immune system, strengthen your internal organs, and give you abundant energy.
- Clear photographs show you correct postures
- Concise instructions tell you what to do
- Details inform you how the movements help
- Qigong theory explains why the exercises work
- Translations of ancient Chinese poetry provides key concepts to help you improve
No matter your age or your physical condition, the Eight Pieces of Brocade is a wonderful way to improve your health and well-being.
Commonly known in China as the Ba Duan Jin, these exercises have been practiced for over 1,000 years!