Making Connections-Enhance Your Listening Comprehension in Chinese (2nd Simplified Character Ed.)
Madeline K. Spring
ISBN: 978-0-88727-767-2
Cheng & Tsui Co.
362 pag. paperback 22 x 28 cm (Audio Online)
Making Connections, Second Edition gives beginning and intermediate students of Chinese an early start in developing strategies to dramatically improve their listening comprehension.An effective companion to any first or second year textbook, Making Connections improves listening skills through the use of recordings of natural, unrehearsed conversations between native Mandarin speakers. Students will hear the spoken language in a variety of contexts, from chats between friends to conversations between doctor and patient to radio broadcasts. The accompanying written exercises guide students through each audio track, explaining particular aspects of the language, supplemented with related realia and cartoon illustrations. Pre- and post-listening activities train students to listen for detail and intent, and an index lists vocabulary terms by lesson, in both simplified and traditional characters. The first 23 lessons in the book correspond to lesson topics from Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Parts 1 and 2. Lessons 24-45 offer additional situational topics that range in difficulty from novice to high-intermediate.