Memorabilia/Collector's Items
海港 (京剧) On the Docks (Peking Opera)
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我爱北京天安门 (青少年歌曲) I Love Peking's Tian An Men (Songs of Youth & Children)
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我们的朋友遍天下 (革命歌曲) We've Friends All Over the World (Revolutionary Songs)
€ 19,95
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高举红旗大步走 (革命歌曲) Forward, Red Banners Flying High (Revolutionary Songs)
€ 19,95
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我们永远是个战斗队 (革命歌曲) We Are Forever a Fighting Force (Revolutionary Songs)
€ 19,95
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地方戏移植革命现代京剧唱腔选段 (红灯记/沙家浜/龙江颂) Selections From Hong Deng Ji, Sha Jia Bin & Dragon River(Peking Opera)
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草原战歌 (歌曲) Battle Song of the Grassland (Songs)
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工农兵革命路上打先锋 (歌曲) Workers, Peasants & Soldiers, Vanguards on the Revolutionary Road (Songs)
€ 19,95
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跃进歌声传四方 (歌曲) Songs of the Leap Forward Ring Everywhere (Songs)
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沙家浜 1 (革命粤剧) Sha Jia Bin 1(Revolutionary Cantonese Opera)
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第五套儿童广播体操 The 5th Set of Radio Gymnastics For Children
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沙家浜 4 (革命粤剧) Sha Jia Bin 4 (Revolutionary Cantonese Opera)
€ 19,95
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沿着社会主义大道奔前方 (电影歌曲) Forward Along the Socialist Road (Film Songs)
€ 19,95
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雪山上的好"门巴" (舞蹈音乐) A Good Doctor on the Snowy Mountains (Dance Music)
€ 19,95
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