閻惜姣 Yan Xijiao - Chinese & English Scripts & Production Materials

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Daniel S.P. Yang
ISBN: 978-962-993-283-1
Cosmos Books
262 pag. paperback 14 x 21 cm 2000

本書包括兩個劇本,中英各一,均以閻惜姣作為中心題材。作者以同情苦命女性的立場下筆,從《水滸傳》及京昆劇本中拮取素材,加寫不少其他情節,交待一個完整的故事。搬演方式極似京昆,但卻是純粹的話劇,其中混入對口相聲及布萊希特史詩劇場的要素,使這個古老題材更具現代精神。書中亦包括大量中英文演出的劇照及一些討論性文字。 This book contains two plays, one in Chinese and the other in English, all centering on the notorious heroine Yan Xijiao. The author, apparently sympathetic with this ancient Chinese woman, selected materials from the original novel and classical plays but added much new ones to tell a whole story. The mode of staging is very much traditional Chinese theatre, but it is modern theatre in spirit, especially when the elements of the stand-up comedy and the Brechtian Epic The-atre are freely adopted. Stage photos of the Chinese and English premieres are abundant, together with essays on the plays and productions.