詠春我的心得 Wing Chun My Heartfelt Experience

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Jason Chow
ISBN: 978-988-75224-0-9
Jason Chow
144 pag. paperback 15 x 21 cm

中英對照、闡述精簡、全無保留,每章節附有短片二維碼,供讀者觀看拳法錄影。 Chinese-English, Straight Foward, Comprehensive, Short Film QR Code for Every Cheapter. 筆者從年青時代已開始接觸詠春,閒時經常看功夫電影及參觀其他武館練習方式,甚感開心及興奮。那段期間經過一輪評選加上弟弟的鼓勵,我終於揀詠春為我練習功夫的根底,拜師招允師傅。眨眼已過了五十餘年,歷程至今2020年初,我踏入73歲之年,由徒兒友人及同學的鼓勵,希望我將詠春的心得及體會寫出來與大家分享。我只望盡自己所能所學及所知,當然這些只是我個人認為有參考價值,隨後更會將詠春技巧盡力書寫出來及親自演繹在網頁上以作參考。還望與其他詠春同好者互勉,找出更多更好手法為詠春爭光。

Growing up in the 60's in Hong Kong,I was like every other teenager in the neighbourhood,who loved watching kungfu movies. I would try some of the moves on my own, and sometimes grab my younger brother to play the opponent. I was particularly interested in the style of Wing Chun; perhaps it was its quickness and Bruce Lee that captured my attention, and I was eager to navigate and learn more about this form of physical combat. My journey with the art of Wing Chun began when one day my younger brother, Stanley Chow Ngok, introduced me to Sifiu, Chiu Wan. Sifu Chiu liked what he saw in me, and in 1963, I formally became Chiu Wan's student. After five decades of selfpractice, study and exploration of the techniques used in wing chun, I decided to write down what!know, sharing my insights and understanding of this fascinating wushu to all wing chun enthusiasts in the world.